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Introduction to the field of graphics

Definition and purpose:

Culture and art in every historical period has had its special impact on humanity. The culture born of experiences, ideals and art are a sign of the power of creativity and initiative of every society. Knowing the culture of any society is a prelude to finding ways to communicate with its people and it is the best means to communicate with art, one of the arts that has a lot of power in today’s society is graphic art, advertising is necessary for communication and one of the ways Advertising is the use of graphic art. In the last few centuries, this art has been used a lot. Of course, in the early stages of human life, simple and symbolic roles were used to express concepts and communicate.

In graphics, a message is depicted that is intended by the customer. Graphics can be seen as a visual translation of the customer’s thoughts. So that the result of the work is completely expert and professional. While in our country, all graphic matters (including order taking, idea generation, slogan design, graphic design, letter design, art management, lithography matters, printing supervision, delivery to the customer and technical accounting) are done by the designer himself. As a result, most of the works produced in our field cannot be considered standard and universal, because every work should be entrusted to the hands of an experienced expert so that the result of the work is correct.

necessity and importance :

Image language is the most expressive and the most common language in the world. This language has been used since the first days of human life. Artists have always been the guardians of the culture of their society, but in order to make each message lasting and effective, the artist must follow methods and rules to increase the impact of his words. Graphic art is actually the art of simplifying and generalizing the concepts that exist in the mind of a certain group of society (customers). The graphic designer must know all the tools of his work, both spiritual and material, in order to know what tools to use to express any message.